Wednesday, December 24, 2008


The expression “when it rains it pours” must have been thought up in Singapore. All was quite on the eastern front as I sat outside Sam’s conversing with some Europeans. Europeans love hostels by the way. I looked at the brit to my right and said, “is it going to rain today? Those sure look like rain clouds.” Within minutes it began to drizzle, then a downpour so heavy you can’t see two blocks in front of you! Later, I met up with my Singapore buddy. Her name is Shan Wan Loo. After yesterdays adventures I slept very well and found myself well rested for another day of the same. Shan showed up around noon and off we went. She led me past tall and beautiful buildings, through crowded streets, and into yet more of the unknown. First we stopped to eat, the Singaporeans always eat. It’s their vice down here and yet for some reason, everyone is still fit and toned. I ate at a café I recognized from an episode of “no reservations.” We indulged in pork soup dumplings. It’s exactly what it sounds like and OMG it’s amazing. Next, she took me to my host university SMU which was exquisitely designed. An absolute must in order to fit inside this city. I told her that I needed a converter to charge my laptop. After which she promptly lead me to a mall entirely dedicated to electronics. As we walked through, I overheard several heated discussions and asked my chaperon what all the commotion was about. She informed me that large purchases could be bartered down and that everyone was simply trying to get a better deal. After purchasing my converter I asked if there was a tall building where I could access the top floor. Indeed there was, it was the tallest building in Singapore and it’s just across the street from SMU. How fortuitous given my love of architecture. Shan and I sat in discussion for hours 70 stories up exploring some of the differences between our cultures. All the while, nursing a dramatically overpriced Tiger beer. After hours of conversation Shan took her leave and left me to my continual exploration and observations. She sure is nice though! All the other exchange students staying at the universities recommended hostel had buddies that had either not been in contact or were currently out of the country… Lucky me! The rest of the day went well, as will tomorrow I’m sure.

1 comment:

  1. Wow only a few days and already you've had some amazing experiences! I can't imagine what Fuji must have looked like, nor the hustle and bustle of such a densely packed but well thought out city. Keep these excellent updates coming, take care of yourself and Merry Christmas! It's not the same without you.
