Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Finally, after several helpful interactions with the locals, I arrived at my destination. An email from Sleepy Sam’s, my hosting hostel, said that behind a door code I would find directions on what to do. Behind the door code I found nothing. I was, however, too excited to be flustered so I set my bags inside and began to wait. I am becoming quite accustomed to waiting. Around two hours later a small Malaysian showed up and explained that she misinterpreted my email. When I said I was arriving at 1 on the morning of the 21st she decided that I didn’t need a bed until that night. Oh well… what can be done now? In this situation, my accommodations were occupied and I thought “fuck it, I’m out!” So I left my bags behind to the safety of my hostel. This city is extremely clean. Stepping off the train at first mornings light I found someone around nearly every block sweeping and tending to the landscape. Their passion for cleanliness did not decline, but persevered throughout the days heat. I quickly passed an Indian who was working a cliché looking café and I decided that some morning coffee would serve well towards the day’s activities. It was only 60 cents for a delicious, though overly sweetened, cup of extremely potent Joe. It was just the pick me up I needed to walk around all day. Quickly I found myself surrounded by the unfamiliar, hearing languages I do not know, in a culture I do not yet understand. I love it; this is EXACTLY what I came here to do! So I wandered aimlessly for hours through packed malls and past street vendors lined up like an overly crowded farmers markets. I continued trekking around and knocked off a couple more musts from my to-do list. I got my ears lowered, ate some local food, and yes I did get lost. The only rule of thumb was I had to be back by 5 to get my room key. I gave myself two hours to find my way back to the hostel, which unfortunately was way too much time. Right after I got my key and received my instructions I went back out to the streets to pick up where I had left off. I think I could continue eating and exploring this place for the rest of my life. It’s a blast and now it’s time for bed… Goodnight!


  1. As I would say, "You got your ears 'lifted!' Looks good baby!" Haha! Classic move Chantz. Classic move.

    Merry Christmas! It's just not the same without my +1...

    I hope to hear from you soon.

    I love you :)


  2. Hey Bud its Jamie your most favorite of your girlfriends friends!! I am so proud of you that you are taking a moment out of your life to experience these amazing places but yet pissed that you left chantz behind to whine on my pillow! Haha JK Im looking out for her for you but the job is tiring so hurry home safe! Much love from back home hopefully you dont get crabs from the hostel peace. Jamie

  3. Actually...just to set the score stright. You're not my +1. You're my 49%.

    Again, I love you and eat, drink, and be merry!

    -Chantz (Your 51%, which makes me the better half, sucka!)


    P.S. Charlie said, "Love you Pops! Any bitches over there for me? Let me know."

  4. Na, no bitches over here for the Rock... Sorry... Jamie, thanks for lookin' after my 49! She needs good friends like you around her : ). Hope you girls enjoyed the New Years and I hope you keep posting! (it gives me something to do when I get bored...) Love, peace, and all that corny shiznit.
